Important Tips for Solo Travelers

Traveling solo is probably more common than you might have thought. Sometimes we can’t find a partner that shares our strong passion for the open road, so why let that stop us from going? If you do it right, you may even end up loving it just as much, or possibly more, than traveling with a group. There are certainly a lot less variables in planning, but it is still a good idea to have some preparation before you set off on your adventure. Here’s some advice on what you should do when flying solo on your personal vacation.
Here’s where you’d think would be the easiest part of planning a trip for yourself. We’ll that is both true and false at the same time. It’s true that you’ll be spending less, naturally, by yourself than with a group of people. Although, it can be pretty easy to rack-up expenses if you don’t have a lot of self-control. Gift shopping, especially, can sneak-up on you and start eating into your other budgets, like food and entertainment.
At the same time, you have a lot more give when it comes to overspending by yourself. It can be tough to keep track of the budget for multiple people, while being as fair as possible to everyone. Traveling solo allows you to take advantage of more lodging options like hostels, bed and breakfasts, or extra rooms in hotels where they’d rather fill them at lower rates and you end up saving big for not being picky.
Staying Safe
Traveling alone can be scary, that’s probably the biggest thing holding people back from traveling solo. While traveling in groups is the best way to avoid purse-snatchers, pick-pockets, etc. –you can still be safe traveling by yourself. You just have to travel smarter. Since you don’t have the benefit of an extra pair of eyes, you need to be more aware of your surroundings and where you’re going to avoid ending up getting lost. Another important aspect of traveling alone is traveling light. Don’t carry your entire vacation savings with you at all times. Keep a little bit with you in your pocket, your wallet or purse, and some in a hidden place where you’re staying. Of course, if you have the ability, use a credit card anywhere you can, to avoid the loose cash situation altogether.
The Lonely Road
Just because you’re traveling alone, doesn’t mean you are alone, thanks to the numerous ways of staying connected with family and friends. Post updates to your social media of all the places you’ve visited, take lots of pictures, etc. Even if the reception is crappy for a phone conversation, you’ll still have some ability to communicate via text/twitter.
It’s always a good idea to not stray too far from civilization. This means: if you are planning some type of outdoors adventures or hikes, try to get a guide or fellow traveler to join you if you are unsure of the area. You’re most likely going to meet other solo travelers when traveling solo, it has something to do with that inner human compass that we have for socializing.
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